Did You Know?

Want to know more about what’s really going on in our community?  It’s easy -- register your email address and password as a resident, and you’ll get access to all the accurate information that only residents can receive.  That includes the “Ask a Question” section including all previous questions and answers as well as all of our contracts, financial reports, and board and committee meeting minutes.

Don’t know how to register?  Just follow the prompts here, www.scshca.com/register/. If you need more help, contact our Communications Manager, Gus Ramirez, at gus.ramirez@associa.us  and he will take you through the process.

By the way, SCSH has 3450 homes with more than 6,000 residents.  In December, 2016 more than 2800 residents were registered users on our website – that’s more than all other social media sites that our residents use to talk about our community -- COMBINED!

Join your friends and neighbors in being informed.