Gardener Noise

Management has received some complaints concerning issues with private gardeners in our community. The rules that concern private gardeners working in our community are really just a matter of common courtesy, but we thought it best if we did cite the Rules and Regulations here.

Please make sure that your gardener adheres to our rule (SCSH Rule & Reg 6.5) regarding noise which states in part that noise-producing equipment, including leaf blowers, lawn mowers and other noise producing equipment and tools is only permitted between 7:00 am (8:00 am on Saturday) and 5:00 pm except in the case of an emergency and except on the golf course which requires daily maintenance during early morning and evening hours (see CC&R 17.02(f)).

Notices will be given to gardeners upon entering the front gate to be courteous and not to blow debris onto neighbors’ properties.

Thank you for your cooperation.