Board Approves 2017 Annual Budget

Nobody likes an increase in our dues, but at their October 24th general meeting the Board voted to approve the 2017 operating budget. The increase to $255 per month will take effect on January 1, 2017.

Board Treasurer Carey Thompson presented a detailed PowerPoint analysis to support the increase (click here for the slides) which still keeps our dues as the lowest among the 12 comparable communities in the Coachella Valley.

The four major reasons for the increase included: 1) mandated increases in salaries and benefits; 2) additional staff such as a new Lifestyle and Fitness director and a new financial Controller; 3) quicker response to our maintenance needs of our now fully developed community; and 4) funding of our reserve account.

Kudos to the Board for their hard work and courage in making these difficult and unpopular decisions.

To learn more about the budget process click:

Final Budget Discussion on October 7th
PowerPoint Slide Presentation
Board Meeting on October 24th