Desert Living Tip of the Month: Oops! They Doubled the Charge!

Several residents informed us that Burrtec, our waste disposal service, overcharged them on their property tax bill. We recommend that everyone check the “FC Indio Solid Waste Chg” amount on their Property Tax Bill to ensure the appropriate billing amount. If you have regular curbside waste collection, your bill should be $250.44. However, many residents were charged double, $500.88.

Example Property Tax Bill

How to Proceed if Your Charge is Incorrect:

  • Check your tax bill, and if you were overcharged, call Burrtec ASAP.
  • The number to call Burrtec, noted on your property tax bill, is 760-340-2113.
  • Inform the Burrtec representative of the error and that your waste collection charge is doubled.
  • Provide your home address and phone number.
  • Make sure you pay the incorrect amount of $500.88 with your property taxes to avoid tax penalties.

Burrtec’s Procedure for Double Billing:

One of our residents who was double charged called Burrtec and received this information:

  • Burrtec “accidentally” doubled the allowable charge for some residents.
  • If you were overcharged, you should expect a refund. However, the representative did not give a date for the refund to be issued.

This overcharge is a great reminder to check your Property Tax Bill and other bills to ensure the amount of your charge is correct. As retirees, we deserve to spend our funds on items, sports, concerts, and adventures that make us happy and not waste precious dollars on overcharging mistakes.