Dynamax Slam Ball Workout

Our Dynamax medicine balls have arrived at the Fitness Center. See below for a foundational and fun workout!


Overhead Slams
3 Rounds of 30-60 Sec. As Fast as Possible


How to do it: Straddling the ball, stand with your feet about shoulders’ width apart. Keeping your chest up and your back flat, squat down and reach for the ball with both hands. As you stand, lift the ball up and overhead. The ball should stay close to your body and travel upward in a straight line. Once the arms are fully extended overhead, squat and drive the ball into the ground. Be sure to maintain control of the ball at all times, releasing it no more than few inches above the ground. “When slamming the ball into the ground, push your weight back into the hips and keep the arms straight to use the lats (back muscles).”


Overhead Side Slams
3 Rounds of 30-60 Sec. As Fast as Possible

How to do it: Straddling the ball, stand with your feet about shoulders’ width apart. Keeping your chest up and your back flat, squat down and reach for the ball with both hands. As you stand, lift the ball up and overhead. The ball should stay close to your body and travel upward in a straight line. Once the arms are fully extended overhead, bend legs, push hips backward, pivot legs and rotate body to one side as you slam the ball alongside of body into the ground. Catch ball, return to start position and repeat.


Single-leg Toe Touches with Ball
3 Sets 8-12 Each Leg

This one isolates your hamstrings and glutes, strengthening your posterior chain. It also engages your stabilizer muscles, improving your balance as well.

How to: Stand on one leg, holding the ball in your hands at chest height (a). Bend at the waist, extending one leg behind you while reaching out and touching the toe of your other leg with the ball (b). A slight bend in the knee. Stand back up, switch legs, and repeat (c).


Medicine Ball Push-ups
3 Sets 8-12 Each Side

Why? This advanced push-up variation, because it introduces an element of instability, is more challenging than your standard push-up.

How to do it: Start in a plank position with the feet a bit wider apart than usual (this will help you maintain balance). With one hand on the floor, position the ball under the palm of the other hand. Keeping the neck neutral, the back flat, and the elbows drawn in toward the body, lower the chest until it hovers just above the floor. Using the chest muscles, push the floor away from the body until the arms are straight.


Weighted Sit-ups
3 Sets 8-12 Reps

Why? You’ll feel these in the rectus abdominis (the six-pack muscles), and the overhead movement adds some shoulder activation.

How to do it: Sit on the ground with soles of the feet pressed together and the ball at chest height. (If this position is uncomfortable, simply bend your knees and keep the soles of the feet on the ground.) Lean back in a controlled manner and bring the ball overhead with slightly bent elbows. Touch the ball to the floor behind your head. Bring the ball forward and engage the abs to sit up.