Fire Ant Treatment on Golf Course June 5

Coachella Valley Vector Control will be on property to treat for Red Imported Fire Ants, Friday, June 05, 2020. Both golf courses will be treated.

Please see schedule of information below:

**Confirmation of Scheduled Red Imported Fire Ant Treatment**

Treatment Schedule:

Friday, June 05, 2020 – North Golf Course & South Golf Course
(Only the Areas on the Golf Courses Inside the Pony Walls Will Be Treated)

Technician(s) should arrive between: 6:30 am – 3:00 pm

If you have any pets (animals) please keep them indoors or in a secure enclosed area outdoors while the technicians are on property for safety precautions.

Note: the irrigation is turned off in accordance with the schedule to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment.

Product Information:

Coachella Valley Vector Control has provided the following information regarding the treatment product: Control products are water soluble and will render ineffective when in contact with water. Control Products are made at a very low dosage, enough to kill an ant and should not harm pets.


Rolland Vaughn
General Manager, Shadow Hills Golf Club