Governing Doc Challenge

10 Pages a Day . . . Over 20 Days . . . within the next 90 Days…Can YOU Do It???

Once every ten years, or so, we as a community, have the responsibility of revising our CC & R’s.  Each Homeowner is allowed input into the CC& R’s and the Bylaws that govern our entire community.  These are the rules we will be asked to abide by for the next 10+ years.  In 2017, we are updating these documents and we need input from ALL our homeowners.

Our challenge to every homeowner is to go to the CC & R’s on the website, (must be logged in to view), read 10 pages a day of the RED-LINED version and send in your comments.  Tell us what you like and what you don’t like about the proposed changes you’ve read by emailing where the board can review and discuss the comments before a final version is prepared.  Do this for 20 days over the next 90 days (summer) and you will have read the entire CC & R’s and made your comments along the way.

We will be voting sometime in the Fall and we need 51% of the voters to agree or our Rules will stay the same!

Some of the items being changed are meant to level the playing field in elections (Article 4.3.3 and 4.4), others are meant to control the vacation rentals, so that we don’t end up having “COACHELLA-type PARTY HOUSES” during the Festival Season.  (Article 2.6.2)   There is a new rule regarding the proper use of drones in our community? (Article 8.7) These are just a few of the new bylaws being revised, pending voter approval.

YOU are being given a voice, we urge you to use it!!!  Remember . . .

10 Pages a Day . . . Over 20 Days . . . within the next 90 Days…Can YOU Do It???