Important Rules for Dog Walkers to Remember!

2.20.3 of Rules & Regulations

  • “Pet owners shall be responsible for the prompt removal and disposal of pet wastes deposited by their pets in the community.”

2.20.4 of Rules & Regulations

  • “Pets are not permitted on the golf course at any time.

Exception: Other than No Dog walking at Avenida Sombra where Avenida Sombra meets Sun City Blvd. behind hole number 7, all other areas where the golf course crosses a street, you may walk you’re your dog along the edge of the golf course as long as you and your dog do not walk beyond nine feet (9') from the edge of the street or sidewalk”

Accepted by the Board 1-29-18

  • “Owner or keeper of a pet shall not allow or permit the pet to run at large in any common area, except the pet park…”
  • Leashes are not to exceed twelve (12) feet in length

Residents should understand that failure to comply with the dog-walking rules and regulations will result in security issuing citations.

The HOA Board strongly encourages pet owners to read the rules and regulations pertaining to pets within the community. The rules can be found in the Sun City Shadow Hills Community & Telephone Directory 2019/2020 on page 29, or within the Community website in the “Documents” section.