Let’s Meet and Eat Club Update

Sign-up forms for the November 13th Let's Meet & Eat Club event will be available Friday, 10/14 at 10:00 am in the Montecito lobby. The cost will be $10 / club member, and Shadows will be providing a cash bar for the event. The Flash Back Boyz band, a new to us dance band, will be providing the entertainment. The event runs from 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm in the Montecito ballroom. The HOA Board, Management, and their legal team, are still figuring out the BYOB policy, so until further notice, Shadows will provide the cash bar for our club events, rather then people bringing in their own alcoholic beverages. Please bring a food dish to share with your table of 10, and any non-alcoholic beverages. The club mailbox will be closed once the event is full. We will have a table at the New Resident Orientation event on 10/14, so look for us in the lobby to get your sign up forms. After tomorrow morning, the sign up forms will be available in the rack in the Montecito lobby. Questions: Email: scshmeetandeat@gmail.com or call Tami: (760) 399-2299.