Paint Color Schemes

Design Rules 4.19 Painting:

Dwelling painting is based on color schemes. Owners repainting the dwelling unit but not changing the color scheme may do so without a DRC review. To change the color of a dwelling unit, the owner must choose from one of the eighteen approved complete color schemes and submit an Home Improvement Application (HIA) to receive written approval by the DRC prior to work commencing. No individual item, e.g., doors, trim, fascia, etc., may be painted a color different from the approved color schemes. Exchanging colors between schemes is not permitted.

The home’s main color, that of its stucco, cannot be the same as that of the dwelling units on either adjoining lot. A photograph of the adjoining dwelling units must accompany the Home Improvement Application (HIA). Additionally, the applicant must provide the approved Scheme Color number chosen, house model, and elevation.

Property walls visible from the street, common area or neighboring properties must remain the same color as originally provided by the developer.

Written approval by the DRC must be obtained prior to commencing any repainting.

Paint Color Schemes

Wrought Iron Gate Color Schemes

Original Paint Colors

📄 Phase 1 & 2

📄 Phase 3