President’s Message: Bulk Cable Contract Town Hall Meetings

Kim Fuller

Good Morning Residents,

A Beautiful day in Paradise and perhaps the wind will take a break so we can all enjoy the outdoors before the hot weather approaches.

It has been requested, and as a result the Board has been investigating the pros and cons of a Bulk Cable Contract for the HOA. This is a negotiation with the Cable/Internet Companies to provide internet and TV services for a period of five years in order to have a reduction in the monthly fee. The Board appointed a committee to investigate and gather information for the Board’s review.

We will be holding open Town Hall Meetings to present information about such a possible contract. The Board has not reached a decision on such a contract but is still investigating. As part of that investigation we will hold Town Hall Meetings to present the information and then to answer questions and allow residents to make comments. The goal is to find out what the residents concerns are before any decision is made.

There will be four Town Hall Meetings:

  • June 20 at 9 a.m and 2 pm
  • June 21 at 1 pm and 6:30 pm

All the meetings will be in the Main Ballroom in the Montecito Clubhouse. There will be a presentation about the different points of a bulk cable contract along with how it would be implemented if the Board decided to move forward. Then there will be time for anyone to make comments about having such a contract. Please try and make one of the meetings so the Board can hear your concerns and comments.

After the Town Hall meetings we will be sending out a survey through the E-Blast system to find out your thoughts on having such a Cable contract. After these steps of gathering information is complete, along with resident input, the Board will decide on how or if we move forward with such a contract.

Let me know if you have any questions. Please enjoy the beautiful sunny days and stay safe in your travels.

Thank you,
Kim Fuller