President’s Message: Rule Changes 10/9/20

Kim Fuller

Good afternoon residents,

The Board is considering several possible rule changes or additions that are posted on the Website for discussion and review by all residents. Please let the Board know your comments before the next Board meeting on October 26, 2020.




1. Definition of Guests:

There was some confusion about the wording that was posted regarding guests, so I have reworded the posting to hopefully be clearer.

a. Proposed New Definition:

2.4.1. Definition of Guest: 2.4.1. Definition of Guest: Individuals regardless of age, who stay with residents of SCSHCA for 60 total days and nights or less in a calendar year, are Guests. The 60 day threshold only applies to Guests staying overnight at Residences. A Guest may stay in a Residence without a Host Resident, i.e., a Qualifying Resident or a Qualified Permanent Resident, physically present. Individuals who stay in a Residence within SCSHCA for more than 60 total days and nights in a calendar year are no longer Guests, and must vacate the Residence or must qualify to reside in the community pursuant to Section 8.1.1 of the CC&Rs. Such individuals shall submit to the Association’s age verification process and if required in the Board’s sole discretion, provide proof of primary occupancy in the Residence that is satisfactory to the Board, or immediately quit occupancy of a Residence within the community. A vendor of a resident is a commercial invitee and not a Guest.

2. Political Signs: The next possible addition to the rules is a description for the use of Political Signs.

a. The rule would limit the number of political signs to a maximum of 3 signs per home, no more than one per candidate, not posted more than 30 days in advance of the election, and must be removed the day after the election.

3. Party Walls: Party Walls are the walls between two neighbors. If there is a dispute about a Party Wall between two homeowners, this rule describes how the HOA will arbitrate the dispute.

a. Currently there is no rule for this, but the CC&R’s require the HOA must arbitrate a dispute, so the following rule is being proposed.

b. Proposed Rule: Article 7, Section 7.6 of the CC&Rs, details maintenance and repair responsibilities with respect to Party Walls. Pursuant to Section 7.6.7 of the CC&Rs, in the event of a dispute between Owners regarding the construction, repair, or rebuilding of a Party Wall or regarding any other matter in connection therewith, the Association shall be the arbiter of the dispute. In order to determine the cause of the damage or deterioration of the Party Wall or to provide other necessary information as determined by the Association, the Association may retain a masonry expert or structural engineer. The cost of said expert shall be the joint expense of the Owners involved in the dispute. The Association’s determination as to dispute shall be final.

Hopefully, this will answer your questions about the possible additions or changes to the rules. The Board will vote on final language at the next open meeting which is currently scheduled for October 26, 2020. If you have comments or suggestions, please get them to the Board before that date.

Thank you.

Kim Fuller