Shelter and Care Training

Shelter and Care Training

June 18, 2016
9 AM – 4 PM
Southwest Church
44175 Washington St.
Indian Wells, CA 92210
Auditorium 4

Please come and learn how to work in a Red Cross Managed Shelter setting:

Morning session: 9 AM – 12 PM: Shelter Fundamentals is a basic level course that introduces the guidelines and procedures for setting up, running and closing a shelter during a disaster. Referencing shelter checklists, participants will work on a case study that takes them through four of the six phases of the Sheltering Cycle: Opening, Organizing, Operating and Closing.

Afternoon session: 1 PM – 4 PM: The Shelter Fundamentals Exercise focuses on the various shelter operation tasks required to maintain a functioning shelter. Three overarching goals have been outlined for the exercise in order to provide the participants with a successful and productive learning experience: 1. Promote teamwork through interactive group activities that correspond to opening, organizing, operating and closing a shelter. 2. Reinforce the key activities and tasks that are involved in opening, organizing, operating and closing a shelter as presented in the Shelter Fundamentals course. 3. Provide participants with an opportunity to set up operate and close a shelter by practicing in the following four skills stations: Registration, Dormitory, Feeding, and Information.

To register for this exercise:

Contact: Michelle Aleman or Courtney Norton at 1(888)831-0031 ext. 3005