Worst Crime Month in SCSH History

November 2018 was the WORST month in SCSH’s history due to a specific crime of opportunity! Twenty-two (22!) residents parked their vehicles overnight on their driveways and became victims of vehicle theft or theft from their vehicles. A single common denominator was present for each of these crimes – EVERY PARKED, UNATTENDED, VEHICLE WAS LEFT UNLOCKED! Unlocked!

We can prevent these crimes of opportunity from happening by simply following these simple steps:

* Lock your parked vehicles. Better yet, park and lock them inside your locked garage and take the keys into your locked home.

* Completely close your garage doors.

* If you must park in your driveway, remove valuables, garage door openers, ignition keys/fobs and LOCK the vehicle.

* Make sure your driveway lighting is functioning properly and brightly.

* Home security video systems have become very inexpensive and easy to install.

* If your garage door opener is missing, lost, or stolen, change the opener codes immediately.

See the Security Advisory Committee (SAC) Committee Report in the upcoming January 2019 issue of the VIEW for the complete report!