Alan DiPirro

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been drawn to the natural beauty and rugged terrain of the mountains. As an adult, hiking became a way for me to connect with people and nature and to explore the breathtaking landscapes.

In my younger years, I dabbled in rock climbing, focusing on easier routes that allowed me to test my skills and push myself to new heights. As I entered my 30s and beyond, my focus shifted to backpacking, where I could really immerse myself in the wilderness and challenge myself both physically and mentally. I sought out off-trail routes and high elevations, constantly pushing myself to explore new terrain and experience the beauty of the mountains from different perspectives.

Now, in my 70s, I spend my summers in Sonoma, California, where I’m an active member of a strenuous hiking group. I’m always looking for new challenges and ways to deepen my appreciation for the geology of the local mountains, which never cease to amaze me with their complexity and grandeur. Hiking has been a constant source of joy and inspiration in my life, and I look forward to many more years of exploring the great outdoors.