Financial Status of Sun City Shadow Hills is Strong

The Financial status of Sun City Shadow Hills is strong.

As of the end of June, 2015, we are operating under budget and our Reserves are funded at 90.4%.

Our June, 2015 financials have been posted for residents to review for themselves.

Our monthly financials are available under the "Residents Only" area of this website, under Association Financials -- so that all residents can review them for themselves. You must be logged in to get into the "Residents Only" area.

Each year our financials are audited by an outside, independent Certified Public Accounting firm. Our 2014 Financials were audited by the firm of Brabo and Carlsen, an independent Certified Public Accounting Firm located in Palm Springs. You should have received a copy of the audit in the mail.

If you have any questions about our financials, please feel free to use the green "Ask A Question" button on the homepage of this website.