Are you aware of the Red Card/Green Card Program?

The Red Card/Green Card is a program developed by the Sun City Emergency Preparedness Sub-Committee to be used in the event of an extreme event, most likely a very large earthquake.

In October of 2017, a laminated 8-1/2 x 11” card was distributed to every household in SCSH. One side of the card is solid green and one side is solid red. Instructions are printed on each side.

Following an extreme emergency event you display the card in a front facing window. The Green Side means you and your residence are okay . The Red Side means you or your residence needs some type of help.

The color displayed in your window will be noted by the Emergency Preparedness Windshield Survey Team as they check the neighborhoods. If the Red Side is displayed they will contact you to determine what you need. They will then radio the Emergency Operations Center and the volunteers will do their best to get the most appropriate assistance to you.

The Red Card/Green Card Program is an important part of the SCSH Disaster Preparedness Plan. Be sure you keep your card in a place where it is readily available.

If your card has been misplaced or you do not have a Red Card/Green Card you can get one from the Lifestyle Desk in the Montecito Clubhouse.