Emergency Preparedness Tip of the Week: Smoke Alarms

Home smoke detectors are an important safety feature that can help alert you to the presence of smoke or fire in your home. Here are some key things to know about home smoke detectors:

  • Types: Smoke detectors come in two main types: ionization and photoelectric. Ionization smoke detectors are more sensitive to flaming fires, while photoelectric smoke detectors are more sensitive to smoldering fires. It’s recommended to have both types in your home for optimal protection.
  • Placement: Smoke detectors should be placed on every level of your home, including the basement, and inside and outside of sleeping areas. It’s also a good idea to place detectors in the kitchen and near any fireplaces or wood stoves.
  • Maintenance: Smoke detectors should be tested monthly and the batteries should be replaced at least once a year. It’s also important to clean the detectors regularly to ensure they function properly.
  • Inter-connectivity: Consider interconnecting your smoke detectors so that if one sounds, they all sound. This will give you an early warning in case of fire in a different area of the house.
  • Expiration date: Smoke detectors have a lifespan and expire after a certain period of time. It’s important to check the expiry date and replace them once they reach the end of their life.
  • Smart smoke detectors: There are newer models of smoke detectors that can connect to your smartphone and alert you of any smoke or CO2 detection from anywhere.

By following these guidelines, you can help ensure that your home smoke detectors are working properly and can provide you with the early warning you need in case of a fire.