FAC Introduction to Nilsson and Murphy

By Bill Wethe
Finance Advisory Committee Chair

The Board recently approved the recommendations from the members of the Finance Advisory Committee (FAC or the Committee) to have Mike Nilsson (Mike) and Todd Murphy (Todd) become members of the Committee.

Mike and Todd prepared the following brief summaries introducing themselves to the community residents for those of you who have not yet met them.

Mike Nilsson

Those of you who have been here a bit longer may remember Mike as President of the SCSH Computer Club from about 2008 to 2011. He and his wife, Sue, moved to Sun City Shadow Hills from Beverly Hills in November 2004, when there were only about two hundred homes completed.

Mike is a retired sailor, ski instructor, pilot, off-road racer and swimmer. To fund all those endeavors, he was Executive VP of Sinclair Paint Company. Prior to Sinclair he was Corporate Director of Lear Siegler’s Internal Consulting Group and Manager of Financial Control at Mattel Toy Company.

In the nonprofit area, he has over 20 years on other HOA Boards, has been a director of Caltech’s Entrepreneurs’ Forum for 30 years and was Exec VP of the Bob Hope Hollywood USO for 3 years, among others. He has both BS and MS degrees in Engineering/Operations Research from Northwestern and USC respectively.

Todd Murphy

Todd and his wife, Kathy, purchased their first home in Sun City Shadow Hills in 2007 as a second home while living in Fawnskin on the north shore of Big Bear Lake. After living in the mountains and skiing for 20 years (ended by bad knees), they wondered why they were shoveling snow all winter. So they sold their first home here and bought a second as their full time residence. Both were very involved in their mountain community with Kathy serving as Fawnskin Mayor and President of the North Shore Improvement Association and Todd as President/Director of the Big Bear Municipal Water District and President/Director of the Mountain Area Transit Agency, while also volunteering for the Big Bear Discovery Center, the Chamber of Commerce and various other community organizations.

They originally moved to the mountains from Orange County to purchase a Bed and Breakfast – the Inn at Fawnskin – which Kathy operated while Todd continued to manage the Orange County transit system – OCTA. Both were active in Yorba Linda with Kathy volunteering at the Nixon Library and Todd serving as Mayor/Councilman for the city. They were also very involved in youth sports where they met.

After moving from the mountains, they were ready to take a break from intense civic involvement and decided to spend more time with family and friends. That didn’t last long. Both are volunteers at the Living Desert serving as Conservation Ambassadors and are also active physically with many hours of working out in the pool’s year round, playing bocce ball and other sports. Todd also enjoys the North Golf Course as he chases the white ball around. He has always been actively involved in his community and is looking forward to being as helpful as possible serving on the FAC and to bring his varied professional experiences to help the Committee make the right recommendations to our board.

Please join me and the other six members serving on the FAC in welcoming Mike and Todd and thanking them for their participation with FAC in service to our community. FAC now has eight of nine positions filled. We are continuously looking for owners who have a background including accounting and financial reporting and an interest in serving on the FAC or on its Subcommittee on the Reserve Study. Please contact the FAC Chair if you would like to discuss completing an Advisory Committee Interest Form.