President’s Message: Never Forget, there is Beauty in the World

Kim Fuller

Good Morning Residents:

Sometimes it is easy to get caught in what is and forget about all that there is if we just let it happen. Each day we have the ability and choice to let the beauty of the world into our lives, we just have to get out of our own way and let it happen.

I am so proud to see so many with masks, so many willing to do whatever it takes to keep our neighbors safe from harm. There is no better task, than that of people coming together in a common goal to save people’s lives. It is truly an honor.

We have beautiful things and people all around us, and perhaps in these times let’s take a brief moment, where time can stand still, and we simply appreciate some of that beauty. Take a moment and remember all that is wonderful in this world.

Click here to view a short video that made me smile:

Have a great day and we will talk tomorrow. I thank you all for all your support and help.

Thank you.

Kim Fuller