The Great ShakeOut: Step Six – Improve Safety – RED Card/GREEN Card

This program is designed for use in the event of an extreme event, such as the “Big One,”a major earthquake.

In the last quarter of 2017 the Emergency Preparedness Sub-committee, EPSC, delivered a laminated 8.5” by 11” card to every household in Sun City Shadow Hills. This card is solid red on one side and solid green on the other.

The GREEN side of the card means that you and your residence do not need assistance. The RED side means that you or your residence do need some type of help.

Following an extreme event, residents are asked to display the appropriate side of the card in a front window. The EPSC has developed a team of dedicated residents called the “Windshield Survey Team.” This team will cruise each of the twenty residential tracts and report damage and calls for help.

If you do not have a RED Card/GREEN Card, or have misplaced yours, cards are available in the Preparedness Literature Rack in the Montecito Clubhouse at the Lifestyle Desk.

The best way to be prepared is to practice. Watch for daily updates and plan to participate in the 2018 Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill on October 18 at 10:18 am.